Conference Announcement
Context Sensitive Health Informatics 2019
August 23th – 24th, 2019
Lille | FRANCE
Lille Academic Hospital
The next Context Sensitive Health Informatics (CSHI) conference will take place August 23-24, 2019 at Lille Academic Hospital, France. This conference focuses on Human and Socio-technical approaches to health technology and healthcare delivery considering the specificity of their context(s).
Lille is easily accessible by plane through Paris – Charles de Gaulle and Brussel airports and is well-connected to main cities of this part of Europe by high-speed train (35min to Brussels, 1h to Paris, 1h22 to London, 3h to Lyon, 3h10 to Amsterdam, 5h to Marseille)
The conference theme is: Sustainable Health Informatics – The last decades have seen the emergence of the awareness that innovations and technologies should be sustainable. Innovative technologies are developed for and implemented in health facilities and national health systems to improve the patient experience of care, the overall health of populations, and to reduce the per capita cost of healthcare. Yet, health structures, systems, their users, and their needs may change at fast pace: national and local health policies evolve, infrastructures and other technologies are upgraded or grow old, users’ profiles and needs may change. In these moving sociotechnical contexts, how sustainable and context sensitive are healthcare innovations and our researches in the field? What level or temporal span of sustainability should we aim for and how to achieve it? In light of these questions, the conference encourages (but does not restrict) submissions in the following topics: ergonomics, human and socio-technical factors, informatics, data management, public health, patient safety, quality management and regulation, innovative technology for patients and professionals (please go to http://www.cshi2019.org/ for more details)
You are invited to submit papers (up to 5 pages) on an original research or a work-in progress relevant to the theme. Accepted papers will be published in a full open access IOS Press series of “Studies in Health Technology and Informatics” and indexed in PubMed. Papers should be formatted to IOS Press requirements that are available on the conference website. Submissions will open on September 1st, 2018 and close on February 3rd, 2019.
The official conference website is http://www.cshi2019.org/. Please note it will regularly be updated with registration and accommodation information.