Warm greetings to you from the IEA Officers! We invite you to go to the IEA.cc website for new information. IEA Historian Ernst Koningsveld has posted a new message from the Executive Committee concerning IEA History. Two documents about our history are now available for downloading: the 50th Anniversary Booklet, The International Ergonomics Association, and History of the International Ergonomics Association: The First Quarter of a Century.
Headline News offers information about a newly-created IEA Infrastructure AdHoc Committee. Additionally, the link for the 22nd Semana de la Salud Ocupacional y XV Congreso de Ergonomia in Medellin, Colombia will help you plan for the 2016 IEA Council meeting at the end of October. Watch for further communications on this event.
We wish you a happy and productive season.
Yushi Fujita, IEA President
Kathleen Mosier, IEA Vice President & Secretary General
Jose Orlando Gomes, Vice President & Treasurer
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