HFES Europe Chapter
Annual Meeting 2018
October 8-10, 2018
Central theme will be “Technology for an Ageing Society“. The keynote presentation “Robots to Support Successful Ageing: Potential and Challenges” will be given by prof. Wendy A. Rogers (Human Factors and Aging Laboratory, Illinois).
Registration fees (non-Chapter members € 370, members € 360, students € 270) include attendance of the complete programme, three lunches, coffee, refreshments, a public transport card, and the conference dinner. Register before September 9 and avoid the late registration surcharge of € 100.
- Subscribe to our mailinglist for the 2018 meeting in Berlin (October 8-10, 2018). If you subscribe we’ll keep you updated by email and we will email the call for abstracts to you in due time (subscription to the mailing list is only required if you’re not a Europe Chapter member)
- Submit an abstract (closed now, deadline was June 1st 2018)
- Register for the conference
- Travel information
- The preliminary programme (only first/presenting author) and the book of abstracts (with all authors).
- Photos of last year’s conference in Rome (page opens in new tab).
Organisation Committee 2018
Rebecca Wiczorek, Technische Universität Berlin
Dietrich Manzey, Technische Universität Berlin
Linda Onnasch, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Karel Brookhuis, University of Groningen (NL)
Antonella Toffetti, CRF, Torino (IT)
Dick De Waard, University of Groningen (NL)
For more information on the annual meeting contact: the organisation committee.
Preliminary programme