HSI2019 - Societa Italiana di Ergonomia


HSI2019 — International Conference on Human-Systems Integration

Call for Contributions
September 11 – 13, 2019
Biarritz, France



From the Chair


INCOSE International Conference on Human Systems Integration, HSI2019, will be held in Biarritz,
France on September 11-13, 2019. Save the date! HSI emerges from the combination of human-centered design (HCD) and systems engineering (SE) as a highly participative and incremental process.

HSI requires creativity (thought as synthesis and integration) as well as experience awareness and validation (thought as experimental tests, operations quality analysis, discovery of emergent properties, standards, and so on).

Modeling and simulation capabilities tremendously improve possibilities of taking into account human factors during the early stages of design and throughout the entire life cycle of systems. Operational personnel can be involved in virtual operations tests to determine appropriate requirements for effective design and development.

HSI2019 will take place in Biarritz, France, a beautiful proactive place, where engineering education, innovation and tourism are main assets. In this setting, the conference intends to inspire and engage researchers, innovators and practitioners in productive discussions of how technologies, organizations, jobs and responsibilities of operations actors, engineering designers, certifiers, trainers, maintainers and many other technology stakeholders can be reshaped to meet near and long-term goals of safe, efficient and comfortable operations.

HSI2019 will continue the discussion of the shift from human-computer interaction to human-systems integration which was started during HCI-Aero 2016 in Paris, France. We also invite papers on visionary and transformational ideas and “out-of– the-box” thinking that can move industrial operations in new directions. “Integrate and Interact” will be the primary focus of HSI2019. Therefore, we encourage the dialogue between industrial sectors that includes aeronautics, space, medicine, automotive, oil and gas, defense as well as other fields.

HSI2019 will bring together manufacturers, operators, government, research centers and academia to focus on improving industrial teams of teams. The current economic environment puts additional pressure on all of us to make industrial operations more efficient and affordable. We invite you to submit innovative methods, techniques, tools and technology that can lead the way. This includes laboratory research and field investigations, industrial developments and perspectives. While the primary focus is on HSI, we will consider papers on a wide range of topics including design, evaluation, certification and rule-making, training, maintenance, in-service experience and incident/ accident investigation.

HSI2019 is organized in cooperation with ACM, IEA and Air & Space Academy.

Guy André Boy, INCOSE
General Chair of HSI2019



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