19° Congresso della International Ergonomics Association (IEA)
Melbourne, Australia, 9–14 Agosto 2015.
Visita il sito del congresso per avere tutte le informazioni, per segnarti alla mailing list e seguire gli aggiornamenti
Nell’ambito del Congresso IEA si terranno inoltre alcuni Workshop organizzati da SIE.
Dear friends and supporters of the IEA2015 CongressWe thank you for your support of the congress. We are aware that, regrettably, there has been some problems with the submission deadline date on different websites, we therefore extend the deadline to December 7 (Midnight Greenwich time).We ask you to support us by notifying all of your members and contacts and encouraging them to submit their abstracts now that they have more time to do so.If they have any queries they can email program@iea2015.org All abstracts must be submitted through the Call for Abstracts page on the IEA2015 website at www.iea2015.orgCheersChristine
Christine Marks (formerly Waring)
Organising Committee
19th Triennial Congress of the IEA – Melbourne 2015
30 November 2014 | Deadline for submitting abstracts
7 December 2014 | Extend deadline for submitting abstracts
23 January 2015 | Completion of abstract review process; individual feedback, general instructions on full paper completion and submission sent to authors
12 February 2015 | Registration open
6 March 2015 | Deadline for submitting full paper
1 May 2015 | Full paper reviewing and revisions completed, all notifications of acceptance sent
30 May 2015 | Earlybird registration deadline; Camera-ready full paper deadline
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